Privacy Policy


At World Mobile, we recognize the importance of the personal information entrusted to us by our customers and believe we have a social responsibility to endeavor to protect this information. To give World Mobile customers reassurance and peace of mind, we will comply with laws and regulations governing the protection of personal information and make every effort to promote proper management and use of personal data.

Definition of personal information

Personal information is defined as information about an individual that can identify a specific individual, such as name, date of birth, gender, telephone number, e-mail address, occupation, place of work, etc., or information that includes a personal identification code. It also includes information such as your history of using products and services, and information that can be used to identify you as an individual by comparing it with other information.

Collection and use of personal information

Our company collects and uses personal information only within the scope of the following purposes:

The collection and use of personal information by our company is based on the voluntary provision of personal information by customers, and if a customer provides personal information, it is assumed that the customer has given permission for the company to use the personal information in accordance with this policy. This assumes:

  • ・Work necessary to deliver the ordered products of our company

  • ・Providing information deemed useful and necessary to customers, such as information on new products

  • ・Inquiries and confirmations from our company necessary for business operations, and gathering opinions to improve services.

  • ・Providing information deemed useful and necessary to customers, such as information on new products

  • ・Analyzing information such as browsing purchase history for marketing analysis such as sales and usage status of products and services according to hobbies and preferences.

  • ・Analyzing information such as acquired browsing history and purchase history to conduct advertising, promotion, and sales promotion activities related to products and services, such as sending direct mail and distributing advertisements according to hobbies and preferences.

  • ・Responding to various inquiries

Provision of personal information to third parties

Our company will not disclose or provide personal information to a third party without obtaining the consent of the person in advance, unless there is a legitimate reason such as when required by law.

Supervision of subcontractors

Our store may provide all or part of personal information to external contractors in order to perform business such as providing products and services to customers.

In that case, we will conclude a personal information protection contract with the subcontractor and manage it to ensure that the subcontractor handles personal information appropriately.

Personal information management

In order to prevent leaks, loss, damage, etc. of personal information, our company has appointed a personal information protection manager and strives to ensure sufficient safety and security, and to keep personal information accurate and up-to-date. We will appropriately manage the personal information we receive.

Regarding our safety management measures, we will respond to requests without delay.

Disclosure/correction and suspension of use

Requests for disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, disclosure of records provided to third parties, suspension of provision to third parties, and suspension of use (hereinafter referred to as "disclosure, etc.") of personal information held by the Company regarding the customer. If we receive a request, we will respond promptly to a reasonable extent after confirming your identity.

Regarding disclosure, we will notify you in writing, orally, by telephone, electromagnetic records, etc. regarding corrections, additions, deletions, and suspension of use, further, we will notify you verbally, by phone, etc. that the corrections, additions, deletions, and suspension of use have been completed.

(Please note certificates to this effect will not be issued.)

About security

Our shopping cart is verified by Verisign's digital ID.

When entering and transmitting data in your shopping cart, all communication between your web browser and the server is encrypted using SSL encrypted communication, so the information you enter is transmitted safely.

Changes to privacy policy

The contents of this policy may be changed without notice to customers, except for laws and other matters otherwise specified in this policy.

Unless otherwise specified by our company, the revised privacy policy will become effective from the time it is posted on this website.

Privacy Policy

In today's advanced information and communication society, it has become possible to process large amounts of information using computers and network systems, but important personal information can be leaked outside the company or tampered with due to unauthorized access or work errors. There are also increasing risks.

Personal information is important information entrusted to us by our customers and employees, and the thorough protection and management of that information will be an important responsibility for companies going forward.

As we use and process personal information from our customers and employees in our business, we recognize the importance of personal information and the importance of protecting privacy. In order to gain further "trust" and "peace of mind," we will actively strive to handle personal information appropriately, and therefore we declare the following.

  • 1. We will acquire appropriate personal information considering our business and scale.

    In addition, regarding the use and provision of personal information, we will not handle personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the specified purpose of use (use for other purposes), and we will take measures to do so.

  • 2. We will comply with laws, national guidelines, and other norms regarding the handling of personal information.

  • 3. We will take reasonable preventive and corrective measures against risks such as leaks, loss, or damage of personal information.

  • 4. We will promptly respond to complaints and consultations regarding the handling of personal information within a reasonable scope.

  • 5. We will audit and review our personal information protection management system at least once a year and strive for continuous improvement.

  • 6. Purpose of acquisition and use when directly acquiring personal information
    • ・Business related to shipping, billing, etc. of customer orders

    • ・We may inform customers and business partners about new products and events.

    • ・In addition, when directly acquiring personal information, unless the purpose of use is clear from the document, the purpose of acquisition and use will be clearly indicated in writing or on the web screen.

Contact information regarding the handling of personal information

We accept inquiries from customers regarding personal information and requests for disclosure etc. at the following website.
Please contact us for corporate
new business/wholesale inquiries

